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Meet The Team

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Efa Susanti 

Founder & CEO

She is the founder of the Batu Hijau Foundation, a businesswoman, and a philanthropist. She initiates all the activities in the foundation, makes policies, and plans financial support. She has collaborated with the women from Sidowayah village, Ponorogo to become her PRR Jali Bag supplier.

Umi Hamamah, S.P. 


She is the co-founder of Batu Hijau Foundation, the sub-district head of Siman, and an entrepreneur. With her degree in agriculture, she has successfully managed her nursery bed and craft business. She plays some other roles such as the leader of Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (family welfare program) of Siman and Lembaga Pelatihan Perempuan (Women Training Center) Mandiri, secretary of UMKM (SMEs) of Ponorogo, and coordinator of HIPKI (course manager association).

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Dian Arihasta


He is the secretary of the Batu Hijau Foundation and a high school EFL teacher. He is responsible for the correspondence and creating and delivering materials for presentations to schools.

Reny Damayanti


She is a psychology graduate and the treasurer of the Batu Hijau Foundation. Her responsibility is taking notes and reporting all expenses to the founder and those who support the foundation 

Ahmad Mustofa Kemal  Pasya


He is the public relations of Batu Hijau Foundation who is in charge of documenting all foundation’s activities, making social media posts, and contacting related parties. 

Marlia Lestari

Events Coordinator

She is a housewife and an employee in Kota Tanpa Kumu of Ponorogo, an Indonesian government program for a better settlement and clean water supply or sanitation. As the public relations of the foundation, she is in charge of meeting and contacting other parties, and becoming a presenter on our events.

Teguh Budi Harto

Events Coordinator

He works for a bus company and the public relations of Batu Hijau Foundation. He is responsible for meeting and contacting other parties for a collaboration.

Our Sponsors
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If you're interested in sponsoring us, please send us a message

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